
The Kaplan lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying synapses and circuits. We are recruiting students, postdoctoral fellows, and research technicians with backgrounds and interests in all areas of biology, including neurobiology, cell biology (especially membrane trafficking), molecular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, imaging (especially functional imaging and protein dynamics), and biophysics.

Graduate Students:

The lab currently has two full time PhD students, and a third who successfully defended her thesis in January 2013. A total of 13 students completed PhD’s in the lab (mean time to degree 5.7 years). The Kaplan lab accepts graduate students from any graduate program at Harvard University including but not limited to the Program in Neuroscience, Systems Biology, BBS, Biophysics or Molecular and Cellular Biology via the Harvard Integrated Life Sciences program. Information about these programs can be found at the HILS website. Students interested in a rotation in the Kaplan lab should email a cover letter to:

Postdoctoral Fellows:

The Kaplan lab is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships. Applicants should email a cover letter, CV and arrange for three reference letters to be sent to 8 postdoctoral fellows are currently training in the lab. A total of 19 postdocs completed training in the lab, of which 14 accepted principal investigator (Asst. Prof. equivalent) positions at universities or research institutes, and one took a position in biotech. See lab alumni page for details.

Research Technicians:

The Kaplan lab is recruiting full time research technicians seeking an intensive research experience. A two year commitment is required. We are particularly interested in applicants with specific interests in neurobiology and cell biology, who have strong quantitative and analytic skills. Prior technicians in the lab went on to medical school (3), MD PhD programs (1), and veterinary medicine school (1).