
Our Resources

We occupy over 36,000 square feet of space on the MGH campus. Our department is home to a full complement of advanced equipment. Our staff of about 35 people run the Departmental finances, HR functions, general administration, and scientific support (glass washing, reagent preparation, waste disposal, computer support and a stockroom). Members of the department can access our intranet from the MGB network.
MGH NextGen Sequencing
We operate MGH’s NextGen Sequencing Core, a nonprofit, fee-for-service facility for high-throughput sequencing using the Illumina platform. Services include single- and paired-end sequencing, multiplexing, library construction, library quality control, 10X sequencing, data analysis, etc. For more information, visit the NextGen Core’s website.
Computer Services
Our Computer Services group provides much of the technological infrastructure necessary for our daily work. The group supports nearly all of the department’s laptops, desktops, instrumentation computers, servers, computer clusters, data storage, A/V equipment, and software licensing. Please visit their site for more information, to request support, or browse their knowledge base of common tech problems and solutions.
As part of the NextGen Sequencing Core, a nonprofit, fee-for-service facility run by the Department, we offer expert bioinformatics support from a team of scientists that can perform custom analysis and alignments.
Ruslan Sadreyev
Bioinformatics Core
Department of Molecular Biology
Simches Research Center
Boston, MA 02114

Fax: (617) 726-6893

Department Staff
A senior administrative team within Molbio leads a staff of approximately 35 professionals, each of whom belongs to one or more groups specializing in finance, grants management, HR functions, lab operations, computer services, and administrative support. Our mission is to support our researchers in every way possible, from arranging travel itineraries to setting up complex robotics.
espresso resources
operations resources